Property & Estate Planning

Darren Donnithorne and Kimonea Bascome


The Property Team acts in connection with some of the most significant real estate transactions in Bermuda. We regularly represent international and domestic buyers and sellers of Bermuda properties, and have extensive experience assist­ing with res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial prop­erty acqui­si­tions and sales (free­hold and lease­hold), mort­gages and other prop­erty trans­ac­tions.

Unlike many other Commonwealth jurisdictions, Bermuda operates within a land system that is unregistered. While the procedure of buying, selling or leasing land can be significantly complicated and complex as a result of this system, our skilled and dedicated team will make your land transaction smooth and hassle free.

Our team has developed excellent working relationships with real estate agents, lending institutions, government agencies and the other parties required to make your real estate transaction happen. We pride ourselves on our ability to complete on time and within budget.

If you intend to rent, buy or sell residential or commercial property, we can make your task easier. Our professional experience and knowledge of the residential and commercial markets enables us to offer you extremely useful and insightful advice and assistance.

Our team also regularly provides prac­ti­cal and reli­able advice on com­plex prop­erty issues, and has expertise in guiding development projects through the land assembly, planning, rezoning and development phases.

Estate Planning

This highly experienced and knowledgeable team provides sound advice in relation to estate planning and assists our international and local clients in implementing practical and cost effective solutions. They undertake a wide range of work which includes the provision of complete estate planning advice, estate administration, will drafting, asset management and probate applications.  Our team also has extensive experience with drafting powers of attorney and advanced directives (living wills).